Don't tell me that you understand
Don't tell me that you know,
Don't tell me that I will survive
Or how I will surely grow.
Don't tell me that this is just a test
That I am truly blessed
That I am chosen for this task
Apart from all the rest.
Don't come at me with answers
That can only come from me,
Don't tell me how my grief will pass,
That I will soom be free.
Don't stand in pious judgment
Of the bounds I must untie,
Don't tell me how to suffer
And don't tell me how to cry!
My life is filled with selfishness,
My pain is all I see,
But, I need you now,
I need your love, unconditionally.
Accept me in my ups and downs,
I need someone to share,
Just hold my hand and let me cry,
And say, "My friend, I care."
By Joanetta Hendel
So, you think you understand me and what I've been going through,
And in your infinite wisdom,
You want to tell me what I should do.
Your kind words are well intentioned;
I know you're just trying to heal.
But no words in the English language could ease the pain that I feel.
You say by now I surely should be over these heart-wrenching blues,
But I beg,
"Don't chide me and tell me how others have coped with their terrible loss.
Some voids can NEVER be filled for me;
Some bridges I simply can't cross.
There may be a day in the future
When the sun will shine brightly for me.
But for now it's still too soon to tell,
So PLEASE just let me be!
By Catherine A. White
Accept me as I am I have no guarantee.
A claim to perfection I have not.
Perfect I cannot be.
I, like human.
Prone to make mistakes.
Failure is not a character flaw,
Just a part of human makeup.
I live, I laugh and I also learn.
My knowledge is incomplete.
I am searching all the time,
In waking hours as well as sleep.
I have a long road to travel, as well as you do.
We learn our lessons on the way.
Wisdom we shall accure.
So please accept me as I am,
Because I am.... JUST ME!!!
No one like me in the world.
That is my only guarantee.
This is how I feel,
I have a heart,
Open it and see...
Please take care,
That's all I am...